Our panel building system can be used to build roof-top structures that are durable and easy to construct. These temporary structures allow you to maximize your constructed floor area without violating floor space index regulations, as the roof-top structures are considered temporary and also permanently. The rooftop structures are custom designed based on your requirements and are built with our long-lasting with PUFF insulated panels and PPGLsheets.
Easy to construct. Can be dismantled and re-used in a different location if needed. Are durable. Look good inside and outside. Superior in quality to civil construction more energy efficient. Can be constructed in remote areas. Interior space can be reconfigured easily. Low maintenance. Educational facilities are extremely important in today's world of learning has never been higher. Yet, many educational facility construction proiects are delayed or never started due to the budget, safety issues, or the time which on-site construction present JK PREFAB offers a modern solution to a long standing problem, "How can our educational facility be built or expanded without risking the safety and well-being of those we are trying to educate?" The answer is quite simple; have the building constructed off site.
Prefab rooftop buildings offer rapid construction and assembly, reducing project timelines and costs significantly. Additionally, they provide versatility in design and are environmentally friendly, offering sustainable solutions for urban development.